Monday, March 10, 2008

Visiting Albert Schweitzer home for the Elderly

Dear Readers!

On Friday, March 7th 6 of us, namely Tímea Töltszéki, Ágnes Gáspár, Gabriella Gál, Előd Fejér, Ákos Korom and Robert Halász have visited the Albert Schweitzer home for the elderly. This is an institution heavily supported by the Protestant Church in the XIV th district of Budapest.

Almost 30 years after its inaguration it is providing shelter for 108 elderly members of our society, mostly elderly ladies.

We spent approximately 2 hours with them, eating some tasty cookies and talking, talking, talking. We could hardly decide who was more fortunate with this visit:

Them, because we apparently did their day, or us, because it was such a lifting experience.

So many stories of the 19th century, the evolution of this Elderly Home, about the situation of Church supported institutions in Hungary during the years of Communism and about the personal stories of the ladies.

We learned about their daily routine, which encompasses the manufacturing of picturesque post-cards, sports activities, singing and being there for one another.

Seing, that in spite of old age, little money and not the best circumstances people can be deeply happy was very moving and inspiring.

We wil make this a regular project and visit them once every month, to get to know more ladies' progress and development!

