Friday, April 11, 2008

Clothes Collection!

Hey Folks!

Yet another amazing project conducted by our Club...

We emptied our wardrobes (cabinets as you wish) and collected more, than two cars full of clothes, which we donated to the Hungarian Association of Families with Lot`s of Children.

This is an association with more, than 105 member-families. They collect clothes, toys, food and anything else useful for these families, whose budget is mostly very limited.

Two of our members, Ferenc Szanto and Robert Halasz took the clothes to Üllő, where the headquarters of this association is.

We agreed on a continuous collaboration with them and will provide them with clothes, shoes and other useful stuff!

Check out some pics here:

District conference April 4-5-6

Dear Distinguished readers!

On the first weekend of April the Rotaract District 1911 celebrated it's second District conference.
It was hosted by RAC Margitsziget (Margaret Island) and you can check out the programme here:

Rotaract Club Margitsziget’s 5th yr Charter

Anniversary and District Conference

4th to 6th of April, 2008 Budapest

Friday (4th of April, 2008)

Evening program:

· Welcome drink and registration at 20.00, Old Havana Club (Deák F. str. 10, 1052 Budapest)

· Chill out from 22.00, Rudas Spa (Döbrentei sqr. 9., 1013 Budapest - drinks are allowed!!!)

Saturday (5th of April, 2008)

Day program:

· Meeting at 10.15, Assembly Hall of Geological Institute of Hungary (Földtani Intézet) (Stefánia str. 14., 1143 Budapest)

· Workshops start at 10.30

· Lunch from 12.00

· Conference continues from 13.00 until 16.30

Evening program:

· Gala dinner and party from 19:00

Lido Casino

Sunday (6th of April)

Day program:

· Kid’s day from 10:00, Palace of the Wonders

As I assume most of you have facebook, you can check out the pics here:

District conference:

The first 3 links are Eszter Németh's pics, the last one contains pics made by our RER Attila Paksi.

Kid's Day:

We had the privilege to host the President of Rotaract Europe, Mr. Benoit Klinkers along with 11 guests from Romania and several of our Italian and Austrian friends.

It was an amazing weekend, we had so extremely much fun and could discuss important matters of Rotaract in and outside of our country.



Team building weekend March 14-15-16

Hey Folks!

We had quite a lot of club activity recently. It was almost too much to blog everything, so excuse me for the delayed posts!

On the weekend of March 14-15-16 we had a sensational team building in Várgesztes, which is a small castle settlement 60 km-s west of Budapest.

These 3 days really bought the club closer together. On the first night, almost 15 eager Club-members were present.
The first night was awesome with lot' of exciting games ( Texas Hold'em Poker, Sex-tivity - which is the adult version of the Activity game : you have to guess, draw or act several phrases related to bedroom activities)

On the first morning we went to a forest nearby and were astonished by the beautiful Hungarian spring.

Leaving off to gather several Rotaractors who could not make it to the team building earlier to the train station in Tatabánya we had lunch next to a beautiful lake.

The second evening was more a low key one, but it wasn't less amusing.

Check out the pics of it !!!


Monday, March 10, 2008

Visiting Albert Schweitzer home for the Elderly

Dear Readers!

On Friday, March 7th 6 of us, namely Tímea Töltszéki, Ágnes Gáspár, Gabriella Gál, Előd Fejér, Ákos Korom and Robert Halász have visited the Albert Schweitzer home for the elderly. This is an institution heavily supported by the Protestant Church in the XIV th district of Budapest.

Almost 30 years after its inaguration it is providing shelter for 108 elderly members of our society, mostly elderly ladies.

We spent approximately 2 hours with them, eating some tasty cookies and talking, talking, talking. We could hardly decide who was more fortunate with this visit:

Them, because we apparently did their day, or us, because it was such a lifting experience.

So many stories of the 19th century, the evolution of this Elderly Home, about the situation of Church supported institutions in Hungary during the years of Communism and about the personal stories of the ladies.

We learned about their daily routine, which encompasses the manufacturing of picturesque post-cards, sports activities, singing and being there for one another.

Seing, that in spite of old age, little money and not the best circumstances people can be deeply happy was very moving and inspiring.

We wil make this a regular project and visit them once every month, to get to know more ladies' progress and development!



Friday, February 22, 2008

Welcome 2 our blog!

Dearest readers of this blog!

On this webspace you'll be updated on the happenings of our club!

We'll keep you posten on new projects, (inter)national events, meetings, special guest speakers and about everything else which defines our clublife!

